On March 5 the Single Trees board met to install our new officers for 2025-26. Here is a photo taken after installation. We look forward to the new year and new leadership from brand new officers and some returning ones.
Our new board members: Linda Neuschwander, Larry Reetz, Chris Brown, Connie Seamans, Roger Tendick, Margaret McVey, Chris Vanderlinde, Betty Aukerman
On March 14 Single Trees held our annual Irish themed dance with a sit down potato bar for guests and members. It was held from 8 to 8:30 and seemed to be enjoyed by many.
Darrell Kalmbach with his wife Erin was there to call for us and Sandy Harris cued. Darrell always calls a great dance and Erin fills in as necessary in the squares. We always enjoy having them with us. Sandy cued some good rounds for us as well.
Here are some photos taken during the break.
Our newly installed president Connie Seamans with her husband Paul Gates
Our new vice president at the potato bar
Some members enjoying the break.
Our newly installed treasurer Larry Reetz celebrated his 3rd retirement with us.
Our next dance will be our Welcome to Spring Dance on March 28 with K.C. Curtis calling and Christina Corelli cueing.